
Showing posts from February, 2020

Learn more concerning your behaviour and habit...

"Govern your tongue ; control your mind ; your habits; and your desires ; be persistent; be unafraid ; have a purpose and stick to it ; be cheerful ,so say the wise......    -Dorathea S. Kopplin

Did you know? ,..choosing a right or false mindset determine the outcome

Your mindset determines how you perceive and connect to the world around you.....   Joseph Jaylon


"Openly share and talk to people about your idea. Use their lack of interest or doubts to fuel your motivation to make it happen". .....Jodd Garland

KNACKS FOR SUCCESS ( Network marketing )

* show your love and concerns to your customers . * Try to win the trust from the distributor . * Try to make friends with the prospects. * Be of confidence ,perseverance ,valiance and assiduity . *Put yourself in the customers' position and try to meet their .demands. * Never stop halfway . * Work 5 minutes more , you will reap 5 times more. 

KNACKS FOR SUCCESS ( Network marketing )

* show your love and concerns to your customers . * Try to win the trust from the distributor . * Try to make friends with the prospects. * Be of confidence ,perseverance ,valiance and assiduity . *Put yourself in the customers' position and try to meet their .demands. * Never stop halfway . * Work 5 minutes more , you will reap 5 times more. 

Stay focused

"Never consider the possibility of failure ;as long as you petsit ,you will be successful".      Please share......
 " No problem is insurmountable. with a little courage ,teamwork and determination a person can overcome anything ".


 You were born to win but to be a winner, you must plan to win ,prepare to win ,and expect to win    Please share this to  your friends and lot more .......

Pray always in all circumstances

let all have brotherly love for one another and pray for all

profitable inspiring quote for you about your thoughts

Watch your thought ;they become words ;watch your words ;they become actions; watch your actions ;they become habits ;watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character it becomes your destiny".

Ideas quote book

"Do something. Either lead; follow or get out of the way ". Please share and comments